The Difference between MGO & UMF Manuka Honey

UMF and MGO are standardised indicators of the concentration of some of the bioactive chemical compounds found in manuka honey in any given sample of the stuff. Bioactive chemical compounds, when applied to your skin or digested in your digestive tract, are able to give your body unique assistance in resisting infections, improving skin health and aiding digestion. UMF & MGO are two individual grading systems. UMF is an acronym meaning unique manuka factor.

UMF is a complete and advanced grading system. It incorporates the measurement of MG (MGO) levels, but also includes additional testing of authenticity markers of the manuka honey. This includes dihydroxyacetone and leptosperin.

UMF is an indicator of quality and purity of manuka honey. MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so unique. An MGO rating is a standardised measure of methylglyoxal content and is an indicator of quality.

Is UMF or MGO Better

Because UMF is a complete, advanced grading system, it is a purer indicator; but MGO is simpler and more straightforward to test. Therefore, you cannot say one is more reliable than another.

Although UMF and MGO measure different things, there is still relationship between MGO and UMF values

Below is a table of rough parties


What are the different grading? 

A UMF Grading is usually between 5 and 25. A UMF 30 honey is possible but uncommon.

An MGO grading will be between double digits and 2000 (above 2000 is not common)

What are the different grade of manuka honey for? 

Low grades, between UMF 5 -10 are table grade Manuka Honey. These honeys are safe for daily digestion. Low to mid grades of UMF 10-15 are called Therapeutic grade. These honeys are good for short term consumption.

Stronger grades have more potency. This means they can fight more powerful or even dangerous bacterial infections.

Any honey from UMF 15-20 are Antibacterial Grade and useful for skin therapy. UMF 20-25 is a Superior Antibacterial Grade, for very bad wounds.

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